Our Youth of America

    Future Leaders Written by Jasmine, Webmistress I live in the suburbs where there are still plenty of pasture lands and wooded areas…where huge warehouses have been popping up like bad weeds in the last few years. Prior to the last 6 years, crime had been…

    Thich Naht Hanh:

    In the earlier days of my life on the path of light, I discovered Thich Nhat Hanh (pronounced Tik · N’yat · Hawn). His words were peaceful and calming. They made sense in my soul. And I was and remain grateful for them.

    Anxiety and Stress

    Fast forward to today. I have processed the feeling of loss in giving up the job and what I got from it…and what I felt I gave. The available shots have been ingested. Living the isolated life, by choice, has been a challenge…