Guided Meditation for Children

    At the time I was learning meditation for myself and the thought occurred to me that perhaps it could help her. I found a guided meditation book for children. She was around 4 or 5 years old at the time and I explained to her how this would help her relax and feel secure on her inside.

    How Can I Begin Meditation?

    When I talk to most people about meditation the first thing they say is “My mind is so busy I can’t stop thinking!” This is very normal for all of us starting out. Thinking is a natural state. It is by no means a reason to not try meditation.

    Find Time To Meditate

    Written By Jasmine Webmistress The Majickal Garden    Meditate Regularly At the mention of meditation some people might bring to mind a vision of monks spending the day in austere meditation in a trance like state. For most this is not the case to be…