"Angel of Capricorn"
    Jonathon Earl Bowser – Canadian fantasy artist

    Written by Jasmine

    (Webmistress The Majickal Garden)

    Art has helped to give me a different perspective on women and the *goddess* soul housed inside with respect to the physical body. We come in so many different shapes and sizes. Rivaled by all the variations of personalities, perceptions and ideas the human is capable of producing. Women are depicted in most all genres of advertising, art and other mediums, in the *preferred* wafer thin beauty that a large percentage of the female population could only dream about attaining. I found myself becoming rather indignant at seeing the use of the female body in such a narrow minded view, sending the message that sensuality, sexuality and only a perfect body makes the package complete.

    I discovered the artwork of Boris Vallejo (born in 1941 – a Peruvian-born American fantasy artist) and Jonathon Bowser (born in 1962 – A Canadian fantasy artist). Both are well known in the world of Sci- Fi and fantasy art. Their centerpiece of many pieces is the *perfect* body I mentioned earlier. Their work is truly beautiful. In one of those rare moments of deep thought that carry you away from time to time…I realized the spectrum of social thinking about this issue. Society deems the accepted view of what a beautiful woman looks like. It then (society) holds a huge, badly lighted mirror up to the naked, self-conscious woman and thumbs its nose rudely.

    Jonathon Earl Bowser – Canadian fantasy artist

    Now, as I enjoyed browsing thru these artists’ efforts, appreciating the vivid colors, scenes and yes, I had to admit that the women in these fantasy scenes were beautiful. And ok…yes, I have to admit there was to my surprise a tinge of jealousy creeping up from the dark depths of me. I figure this has to be an effect from having it subliminally implanted in my mind that I am inferior because I don’t fit the perfect mold; or vanity rearing its head in spite of my keeping an eye on the old self-esteem.

    The sort of magical, sensual attitude of such artistic work is tapping into the feelings that humans naturally respond with when the senses are stimulated, and then painting the imprint onto a canvas. If this was the case then it would stand to reason magical sensuality lies inside of us all. For many of us, it’s like an overlooked, overgrown garden in need of someone to care enough to tend to it.

    The beauty I saw of the women contained a very apparent strength; evoking power and confidence. The artists brought this out from behind the canvas by mixing beauty and nature with an appealing pallet. Just as in real life. Have you ever seen the beauty come from inside someone? At first glance nothing stands out until you’re face to face and connecting. Then with a simple genuine smile the soul’s warm glow can appear and smooth out the wrinkles of age.

    I felt the beauty of the artists depictions stir up the warm embers of female pride. There was a feeling of connection evoking the image of the mythological creatures that exuded strength and conviction in their passions…be they dark or light. We as women could be domesticated goddesses in the way of the power we have inside us to evolve and become the person our soul longs to be. Self-accepting confidence in truly accepting the body as the personal vessel, choose to stay up on the upkeep of it…or not…and enjoy life by merging your respect to self-image and then allow your soul to shine.

    It’s with a different eye I now look at the presentation of women in art. There is a healthier respect towards the gifts that have been received and what can be done with them. Allow the warm loving guidance of the soul. Beauty is in the lucky eye of the observant beholder and acknowledging it begins well below the surface of the skin.

    Jonathon Earl Bowser – Candadian fantasy artist


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