For me, it began after becoming sick with what I have come to believe was Covid19 back in early March. My husband came down with it first and although he had a noticeably light version; it was like nothing he had ever had before. Six days later I was next. We live at ground zero in Western Washington State where it all began in the U.S.

    Mine was much more severe and with the combined symptoms, it was nothing like I had ever had before. It took 6 weeks before I began to feel like I was healing. It affected me physically and mentally. Another few weeks were added before I could feel near normal. At that time, we had no access to testing for us. I was blessed for not needing hospitalization, this I knew. One or two more degrees on the thermometer might have put me there.

    I went into isolation on March 6, 2020. On March 15, 2020, our Governor announced statewide Self-Quarantine and Social Distancing. After 6 weeks of self-quarantine, my first time leaving the house was to the grocery store. If it had not become necessary, I surely would have passed! We knew so little truths about this virus and the prospect of leaving the house brought anxiety and dread. Vulnerability was front and center. The world I knew of shopping was gone. I had seen and read the local news but experiencing it was another story.

    As a person with germ issues, I already had a limited supply of hand sanitizer and wipes. Being close to other people was concerning which encouraged me to run thru my list as quickly as possible. (Of course, finding many of them on the shelf was a no go!) There was the growing concern about paper products and the realization that other basics were becoming scarce or unavailable. I could see the same concern in the eyes of my fellow shoppers. People were more bottled up; wrapped up in their own thoughts as to what the hell was happening. This was real.

    After 2 months I felt strong enough, mentally, to bring my Yoga and Meditation back. I remember feeling so grateful to be where my body wanted and needed to be. It felt like I had been submerged in isolating dimness so long and rays of light were beginning to appear. My son did tell me I was in quarantine before it was fashionable. I did find my humor again!

    And still yet 2020 goes on and on! Be well on your own paths.

    Written By


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