You can be in love…madly, passionately,
    and wondrously in love…with God, in
    love with Goddess, and in love with All That Is.

    In love and touching greatness, your love
    transcendent, can change you; it can heal
    you. As well, your love can heal and
    change your world in ways you’ve
    not yet imagined. Lazaris

    I am a middle age woman, mother, wife, sister, and friend with the feeling in my heart that I am still decades younger in my mind. Of course my body speaks loudly that I am so otherwise, whenever I venture to far. Reality and responsibility require I keep my feet on the ground.  In my family lineage, I am the oldest left behind. My beloved family mentors have all passed over to the other side of the veil, where they continue to support me with their love and energy. In observing and participating in my children’s growth and watching them maneuver down their own paths as adults, I continually learn more about myself as well as my role as a mother. Allowing them to make their own choices is one of the greatest challenges and to know when to stop short in aiding them as opposed to hindering their progress on their own life paths. They are truly my greatest blessings.

    When I was an impressionable young teenager I participated in the Lutheran church I had attended, off and on as a child, in their study program to become confirmed into the church. After attending a series of weekly studies and lessons, I would become a member of the church and be allowed to receive communion. My reason to do so was shallow, in that my best friend was required to do it via her parents and I did not want to be left out. My own parents were supportive in my choice. What I discovered inside myself, in a very base unconscious way, was that there was a light inside me that seemed to glow brighter and warmer at the end of my commitment and studies. I attended communion twice, and walked away with the feeling in my heart that this experience had been good for me. However, whatever I was going to learn and discover in feeding the new yearning in my soul would come by following my instincts to leave the church.

    I started out over 30 years ago, consciously, on this spiritual quest. All I had was this strong desire urging me on, to where I did not know. In that time, the conditions of my path has run a wide gamut. There have been moments of complete and utterly beautiful, mystical happenings. Comparatively, there have also been times with nothing short of chaos and life changing transitions. My path has taken me to living in 3 different regions of the U.S. as well as a year spent in Great Britain; where overall my life’s education has been greatly broadened in my perspective of life.  Sometimes my personal choices have been such that they took me the long way thru grueling stages; other times they led to less laborious travels to attain the sought after outcome. By discovering the attachment to my Higher Power thru my soul and realizing such an intense source of love and guidance I have found myself anchored in a warm bed of comfort knowing that it is eternal and unconditional. With my knowing that such a power is within my reach 24/7 I can weather anything that comes my way.

    The Universe has and continues to provide answers, sometimes magical, to my sincere questions and requests. Numerous times answers have come later than sooner but as I have discovered, not before and only when I was ready to hear them. My earthly teachers have and continue to be many, often from surprising sources. Wonderful gems can be discovered in the briefest of encounters as well as the lifelong people that grace our lives, as long as we are open and willing to hear them. I will forever remain a student! To stop learning is to stop growing. Success lies not in attaining the destination but rising to the challenge of the journey.

    The Majickal Garden was created for those beginning their own search. It’s a place to sample the seeds of germination…and decide if it feels right for them as well as for those who have been consciously working their own enlightenment. Its goal is not to turn anyone to one way of thinking but to possibly provide a starting point in the individual self discovery of the soul. It’s also a platform for anyone with a desire to share some of what they might feel blessed to have received, in the form of written expression.

    It has been said that regardless of how long a meeting lasts with those that cross our paths, we are never the same person as when we first met. If we live life consciously in the moment we will realize in giving we are receiving. We hope you find a few gems of your own in your visit to our website.

    Peace and Light On Your Path


    My Path Of Light

    Written By Jasmine My Path of Light began when I chose to leave the Lutheran church after I had taken the required classes to be Confirmed around 12 years old. For the most part, the only reason I participated was because my childhood best friend…


    Welcome to The Majickal Garden. It is a mystical cyber garden where we hope to inspire the sense of internal spiritual mystery, awe and fascination for anyone traveling the path, who is interested in enhancing their spiritual & personal growth. How we all choose to…

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