“When Fear Falls Away”
    By Jan Frazier (2007)

    The Story of a Sudden Awakening

    This is a story about a woman facing a health scare that leaves her bathed in fear. One day she asks for relief from this fear and wakes up to find it is simply gone. The book is written from her personal journals she kept about her journey of self-discovery on a soul level and how it has affected her life. It’s written with refreshing honesty and clarity.

    Excerpt from the book:

    “This is what I know about the general situations of human life:

    -There is a place in every person that is not subject to harm of any sort. It is not subject to change or to death. It is actual.

    -It is possible to become aware of this place—fleetingly, and even continuously.

    -In the state of that awareness, all suffering ceases.

    -There is nothing inconsistent about that state and what we think of as regular life.”

    By sharing her story with us we are enlightened with the thought that our own story lines might sound different but the human aspects of emotion and ego are a part of us all. With true intentions of the heart, we can all find relief from fear in the emotions that permeates every aspect of our lives. In its place we can experience the joy of love, freedom and compassion in fully living in the moment with the relief from the past and future that can hinder our growth. By the end of this book, if we allow ourselves, we understand that the answers we seek in spiritual growth are not found in the myriad of books and manuals but truly inside ourselves.

    Review written by Jasmine@majickalgarden.com


    My Path Of Light

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    Welcome to The Majickal Garden. It is a mystical cyber garden where we hope to inspire the sense of internal spiritual mystery, awe and fascination for anyone traveling the path, who is interested in enhancing their spiritual & personal growth. How we all choose to…

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