universe gives needs

    By Jasmine

    Webmistress of The Majickal Garden


    Many times we find ourselves asking the Universe for favors because there is a belief that we know what we need. There is a big difference between needs and wants. We need air, food and water for our bodies to survive. I would put a roof over my head along with power and a safe water source secondary on that list but the truth is that there are people, unfortunately, that are able to live without such luxuries. We need clothing for modesty cover, in our society, as well as protection from the elements however stylishness or amounts of said clothing is not a need.

    If you happen to live in a city where public transportation is an option…there is no need for ownership of a vehicle. For the sake of convenience it would surely be a want. In that case, a dependable vehicle would suffice however a brand new shiny one, with the monthly payments to go along with it, would be a want. The later would cover those that live in the suburbs and beyond. Apply this to all the other conveniences we have become accustomed to is to understand we have become a spoiled society. Many times I have given thought to how our ancestors were able to function with so little as far as conveniences that we have come to take for granted.

    The Universe does work in mysterious ways beyond the ability of our comprehension. My own “knowing’s” in understanding this is that a truly heartfelt genuine based request for a change in our lives normally does not happen overnight. In the case of wants and needs…it surely does not come without effort and sometimes great on our part.

    If the Universe deems that an appeal for a change is to be answered then we need to take a close, very close look at our life as it is and what has brought us to that point where help is needed. Perhaps there are some bad habits that need to be altered or there might be some people in our lives that we need to say good-bye to. A change of employment might be required. Groundwork on our part needs to be done for spiritual growth. If this is not done the result might be that the Universe will send us a message in answer to our appeal and we might miss it altogether because we were not ready for it when or if it comes. I truly feel there are 3 answers; no, yes and not yet.

    Understanding there are complexities of human/soul life on probably so many levels, I have come to look at what it must take for the Universe to answer any appeal for divine intervention. A positive answer, should it be deemed to be so, would need to be interwoven in to our lives with our responsibility for our own spiritual growth to be able to intersect at just the right time with our having the ability to recognize the form it is to be given in.

    If we understand the concept that “all things happen for a reason” then it would stand to reason as well that we bear some responsibility or sometimes sacrifice for the betterment in the outcome in our lives. We are gifted with free will after all. We get what we need and what is required for our continued spiritual growth.

    I believe we are here on this earth for a reason. Everyone has been given some sort of gift that if recognized and practiced can be excelled at and shared in some way. It’s taken me decades to understand that most times this manifests itself as a “passion”. It’s something that we are passionate about doing above a choice of anything else and the most content when we are doing it. When that is found and recognized we want to be the best at “it” that we can. The fortunate ones are able to make a living at it. Otherwise the responsibility lies in making it happen outside of our jobs or careers. We are so much more than going to bed at night and waking up to a routine that needs to be done in order to go to sleep again. I believe to find oneself in such a rut is to have a soul that is unrecognized and unfed. Regardless of ones beliefs; we all have a soul. Each one is connected by a collective energy that goes beyond this earth. How we choose to feed it (or not) and progress with our capabilities is up to us.

    This is where Faith comes in. We can choose to be “alone” however we are all a part of this mystical sometimes confusing life as humans on this earth which all contain individual souls that are connected to the other side of the “veil” which makes us connected to one another. This is where my faith rests and I find so much comfort in. To walk a spiritual path with this understanding is to know we are never alone. As we ask for help in any direction for what we think we “need” in our sometimes darkest hours is to know that our efforts will be rewarded with guidance form our inner souls. Reaching out to others on the path is certainly part of the plan.

    The Universe knows what we truly need to progress on our spiritual path. Sometimes in its infinite knowledge it is understood that in order to get what we might want…we are required to learn more about real true needs and attending to them first. Then at a later date we might attain what our souls were really asking for outside of our minds that are cluttered with ego, emotions and arrogance in believing we know what we really need.

    For me, by calming the chatter of words in my head has allowed me to “hear” the answers of support in what I can do to progress on my spiritual path. Yoga and meditation has certainly been a brilliant tool for me to do this. By learning that I do not have to be ruled by emotions, the past, or fears of the uncertain future has left me with the ability to “hear” the answers for my progression from the Universe. The more I practice this…the calmer I feel in my faith that I am guided. On a day to day basis, I do the best I can and be the best I can be. I allow myself to melt into the mattress with the knowing that tomorrow is a brand new day for my best efforts and I am able to let go what I did not accomplish.  In my heart and soul I feel I am a student in the light of life on this earth. I am learning to forgive my imperfections and focus on what I can do.

    Living and doing the groundwork to be the best you can be every day, inside and out – one day at a time is all that is required. If one day you need to ask the Universe for something special you might discover that sooner or maybe much later; as the Universe deems so…you might learn that what you wanted was exactly what you needed.


    My Path Of Light

    Written By Jasmine My Path of Light began when I chose to leave the Lutheran church after I had taken the required classes to be Confirmed around 12 years old. For the most part, the only reason I participated was because my childhood best friend…


    Welcome to The Majickal Garden. It is a mystical cyber garden where we hope to inspire the sense of internal spiritual mystery, awe and fascination for anyone traveling the path, who is interested in enhancing their spiritual & personal growth. How we all choose to…

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